Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Our 30 Remedy First Aid Kits are thoughtfully designed for families treating acute first aid situations at home.

Ideal for households with young children, these kits offer a comprehensive and holistic solution to handling illnesses and accidents easily and powerfully within the comfort of your own home.

Our aim in curating this kit was to provide you with a one-time purchase that instills confidence in each use.

Imagine resolving most health concerns without the need to venture outside your home and embracing the empowering role of being your families healer.

$480 AUD


+ 25 of our most popular acute homeopathic remedies

+ 5 specialised blends - Anxiety blend, Cough blend, Flu blend, Headache blend, Head Cold blend & Parasite blend

+ Detailed reference guidebook

+ Beautiful leather storage/carry case